Tuesday 28 April 2009

Version 1.5 - In progress

Almost finished - just got the online help to write and some testing then I'll be submitting to the app store.

It's taken a bit longer than expected. Things haven't been helped by computers behaving strangely.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Sales stats update - Two months on the app store

So, it's been another month on the app store. We left the previous month with the app being featured in the "What we're playing" section in various European countries. This had boosted sales in the UK up to the exciting heights of around 200 a day. Worldwide this pushed sales up into the 300s.

I must admit, I was pretty happy with this, I knew that it was never going to last, as soon as the app stopped being featured sales would go down - and as expected the app disappeared out of the featured list after a week or so and sales started to decline pretty quickly in the UK. Fortunately other countries stepped in and kept global sales at a good level.

Around this time I released a new version with a new icon (designed by the great guys at icon design). Take a look at what happened next:

Suddenly all the sales up to the 14th April look a bit silly. Finally the app has broken through into the US market - featured in the "New and Noteworthy" section of the US app store. I think this really demonstrates the power of appearing on the front page of the app store and in the featured list of the store on the phone itself.

So, there's not quite as many charts in this month's update - mainly because the only really interesting thing that has happened has been the US sales. Here's a breakdown of sales by country (I'm only showing the top 10 here):

I'm sure that this would look different if the app was localised to each country - being only available in English probably limits the appeal.

For those of you who like to know how close I am to buying that yacht and retiring to my own private island:
Sales to date:14970
At 99cents per unit$14820.30
Less Apple's 30% cut$10374.21
USD to GBP (according to google)₤7088.15
After tax of 40%₤4252.89

Still some ways to go!

As always, if you've got any questions or are interested in more details just drop me a message on the support email (sudokugrab@gmail.com). Or just leave a comment on this post.

Now it's time to get on with the next release. Version 1.5 should be submitted to the app store this weekend/start of next week.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Busy busy

Been flying to and from the US the past couple of weeks, but I'm back home again now.

Things to do:
  • Update the instructions! Version 1.4 is pretty similar to 1.3 but there are a few differences.

  • Get cracking on version 1.5

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Version 1.4 is live

Received the email from Apple this evening. Version 1.4 should be in the app store very soon.

Let me know if you have any issues on the support email.

A couple of reviews

Finally the app has been reviewed by a couple of sites:




Still not much action in the US averaging about 10-20 a day. The app has also moved off the front page of the app store in the UK, so sales have dropped quite significantly. I'll be posting an update in a couple of weeks time with some numbers.

Thanks to everyone for reading.