Here's a preview of what I'm working on for version 1.1 - NOTE this is now version 1.2 (slight screw up on the version numbering so we've had to jump ahead). If you have any comments then that would be great. I'm hoping to submit the next version this weekend - assuming I get some spare time.
Toggle numbers - if you hold your finger on a number for more than a second the number is toggled (a small checkmark appears on it to indicate this). You can now populate boxes with that number just by touching them. To clear the toggle just touch the number pad again.
Solve button menu - when you hit the solve button a menu now slides out giving you the option of solving the puzzle, or automatically filling in all the pencil numbers for the puzzle (this is really cool).
Captured puzzle info - When you capture a puzzle you can now mark the difficulty and also add user defined tags.
Puzzle Book - This screen will let you filter your grabbed puzzles by their tags.
List of puzzles - shows you the list of puzzles that match the tags your specified. You can scroll through this quickly to find puzzles that you want to play. You can also delete puzzles and edit the information about the puzzles.

Now that's what I call an update! Looks great